Following in the footsteps of his hero, President-Elect Barack Obama has embarked on a 137-mile journey from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to to Washington D.C ., retracing the train ride Abaham Lincoln took to assume the Presidency in 1861. Lincoln's trip took 12 hours and he made 100 speeches along the way. Obama's trip is scheduled to last only a few hours and will include few speeches.
The President-elect is traveling onboard an Amtrak charter train with family and guests. Currently, train stations along the route are packed with supporters who may likely not catch a glimpse of the President-elect as he makes this historic journey. Children on the shoulders of their parents, and men and women from all over the world have packed out train stations just to catch a glimpse of the train. The train has made two stops, one in Wilmington, Delaware to pick up Joe Biden and his wife Jill and then another in Baltimore, Maryland.
As I watch this historic event unfold, I am once again enveloped by the same feelings from November 4, 2008 when Obama won the election. This definitely will be one of the most historic moments in my life. I can imagine what it most have felt like for those who witnessed the Million Man March, the March on Selma, or Dr. Kings' address in Washington, D.C. I am so thrilled to be a part of this historic moment in world history and even more elated that I had an opportunity to meet the man Barack Obama.
I think Obama retracing the train ride Abaham Lincoln took to assume the Presidency in 1861 shows his Character and how much he loves his country... I must say I inspired : )